Remarks on the future of Coffee Business
The pandemic is having a global impact on the coffee business driving new important challenges for all actors of the supply chain. Here some remarks on the future of coffee.
“The pandemic is changing the times and places of the coffee break and, as with any change, there is a need to adapt and find new solutions”.
- people will not drink less coffee than before, but will drink coffee at different times and in different places;
- many more people staying or preferring to stay and work outside large city centres;
- it will be more attention to the quality of coffee and the origin of the blends.

“It is necessary to rethink environments and tools in order to combine experience, safety and reduce waiting times”.
- it will be necessary to rethink the way in which coffee has been served until now. Overcrowding must be avoided while maintaining high standards of hygiene;
- it will be necessary to innovate the offer, with quality products for more demanding customers;
- Companies will have to become increasingly digital. Online orders and home deliveries should become the norm. For some smaller companies, this could mean operating only as packaging and delivery centres.
“The system of doing business remotely is receiving attention as it is considered more time-efficient and effective”.
- Today, there is already a strong increase in online platforms for meeting, trading and webinar;
- Since travel, fairs and meetings between suppliers and customers are difficult, importers and roasters are replacing the physical encounter with online contacts;
- This could lead to an increase in the development of “blockchain” technologies and other remote management tools.
“The pandemic is highlighting some important changes that lead to innovations and transformations in the coffee business”.
- New opportunities for machine manufacturers, who are already innovating, by offering “no-touch” solutions;
- Manufacturers could benefit from the increase in micro-refreshment points, offering new ad-hoc solutions;
- New opportunities will open for “micro-markets”, with the offer of ready meals and food and drink for people working from home, or in areas where bars and restaurants are scarce.
There are no perfect solutions or secret formulas to overcome crises.
Each change generates new opportunities for operators who will be able to innovate, not only in terms of products, but above all in relation to services and business models.
Only by observing and listening to the market can decisions be made to innovate and address the key challenges awaiting us in the near future.
These will be seeds that will allow operators to overcome the difficult period, mitigate losses and start over.