Taking Advantage of the Health Benefits of Coffee
People have been enjoying the stimulating effects of coffee since the 9th century. Legend has it that a young goat herder, Kaldi, noticed his goats behaving strangely after eating from the “Kefe” bush. Kaldi sampled the fruit from the bush, noticed its stimulating effects, and started cultivating the drink that we know and love today.
Regardless of coffee’s origins, one point is clear: everyone loves a cup of joe. It’s also one of the most popular beverages in the world with about 2 billion cups of coffee served worldwide every day.
However, coffee is more than just a powerful stimulant. Coffee can improve drinkers’ heart health, boost liver function, improve cognition, and help folks recover from addiction.

Recent research published by the University of Paris Descartes suggests that coffee may improve digestion and shield digestive organs from common diseases like hepatocellular carcinoma.
The study found that coffee stimulates enzymes in drinkers’ salivary glands that improve digestion and aid in digestion. Folks who drank coffee during the trial had higher levels of the enzyme than folks who abstained. The group with the highest level of digestive enzymes drank cold instant coffee or cold espresso.
Researchers also found that regular coffee consumption increased bile and pancreas secretion. This has a catalyzing effect on the digestive system and improves the digestion of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Coffee was found to protect vital digestive organs and reduce the risk of gallbladder stone formation, too. Folks who drank coffee were at a reduced risk of pancreatitis and generally benefited from reduced inflammation in the digestive tract. This means that coffee may ease symptoms of chronic constipation. However, researchers did find that coffee could intensify the symptoms of intestinal bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.
Interestingly, the meta-analysis found that coffee consumption reduces the prevalence of digestive-tract cancers and liver diseases. Coffee can also alleviate the symptoms of viral hepatitis B and C, as two cups a day had an anti-inflammatory impact on drinkers’ digestive organs.
Heart Health
Coffee is largely renowned for its cognitive benefits and the burst of energy it gives to drinkers. However, a cup of joe a day may keep the heart doctor away, too.
Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and irregular heart rhythms. Research from the College of Cardiology also suggests that regular coffee drinkers were at a lower risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke.
The key, according to researchers, is in coffee’s 100+ biologically active compounds. These compounds have an oxidizing effect and can reduce inflammation in the body. The active compounds in coffee can also boost metabolism and inhibit the gut’s absorption of fat. This means that coffee drinkers may benefit from a healthier, better-maintained cardiovascular system.
Overcoming Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a serious global issue. Over 5% of all global deaths are attributed to alcohol consumption and cause significant economic losses to individual users and society at large.
Coffee alone can’t stop alcohol addiction, but it can play a role in alleviating withdrawals. When alcoholics give up booze, they suffer from alcohol withdrawal symptoms like tremors, hypertension, nausea, and mood changes. Coffee can help folks overcome these symptoms by acting as a replacement drink.
Instead of drinking harmful alcohol, folks can drink 2-3 cups of coffee to sharpen their focus and boost their mood. Those who give up alcohol can use coffee to improve their liver function, which may have taken a tumble during addiction due to fatty-liver disease.
Marketing the Health Benefits
Although coffee consumption has occurred for centuries, it certainly has changed in recent years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. More post-lockdown coffee drinkers are opting for delivery orders and millions of people are brewing their own joe at home. Appealing to remote workers can be tough, but marketing professionals within the coffee industry can stand out from the crowd by advertising the health benefits of their particular blend.
Taking a health angle can help roasters and coffee shops appeal to younger audiences, too. Gen-Z wants to support sincere causes and will back brands that take their commitment to health and wellness seriously. Coffee companies can double down on the health benefits of coffee by supporting local health-related initiatives and by funding research into the health benefits of their brew.
Roasters and suppliers can also shift their focus and adjust to the future of the coffee industry. Coffee is being served in new venues like gyms and health clubs as a pre-workout. Suppliers can alter their focus and release new products that can be served and consumed with ease for gym-goers who are looking for a pre or post-workout boost.
Coffee is traditionally marketed as “the best way to start your day”. However, coffee is far more than a stimulant. It can be used as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and pancreatitis. Coffee is also a great pre-workout drink and can be marketed to folks who want to work up a sweat and keep their focus high during their session.
Ainsley Lawrence