Dec 2015 – News from the North American coffee market. According to BBC Business, the German investment firm JAB Holding will acquire Keurig Green Mountain, specialised in K-cups single-serve coffee pods, becoming the biggest player in the North American single-serve coffee pod market. JAB has invested heavily in the US coffee market: it bought Caribou Coffee Co and Peet’s Coffee & Tea in
Tag: Markets & Trade
The German powerful: Product differentiation is a must

In a crowed scenario like the German market, the players try to difference their offer and production. In terms of global turnover, Tchibo GmbH is the absolute market leader and it’s activity is diversified, with coffee sector that covers more than 20% of the total revenues. The company sells other food and not food products through internet or through its
UK: new trends and new opportunities for coffee machine brands

The UK coffee machines market is one of the most dynamic in the European scenario. Compared to other countries, it presents a lower concentration in terms of number of manufacturers and a less power of coffee roasters in the distribution chain. However, the competitive rivalry in very high as well as the substitute products in the market. The hospitality industry,
Consumption of coffee in Germany

The consumption of coffee in Germany is increasing after reached 418.4 thousand tons recording a slight decrease (-0.4% in 2012). Compared to the previous years, quantities remained almost stable during the period 2010-2012. Among the different types of coffee, the roasted coffee decreased by 3.3% in 2012 while on the contrary the consumption of espresso/caffè crème increased by 11.6% (66
Growth of the Chinese Coffee Market

The economy of China continues to grow and the pool of consumers with disposable income expands and private investment has also heavily increased in some provinces, like the Yunnan, where some 95 percent of Chinese coffee is grown [Sign in to continue]
Tea or Coffee? The UK Called To Vote

To drink or not to drink? This is the question. In the UK the consumption of tea is gradually falling down. On the other hand, the coffee consumption is increasing and it has reached 132K tons in 2014. An real interesting market for coffee players. Buy the most detailed report on Coffee in the UK HORECA business:
Germany on the Roof of the European Coffee Market

Why Germany’s coffee market keeps growing reaching 25% of the total coffee consumption in Europe? One coffee out of four are consumed in Germany and the trend doesn’t appear stop growing.
Coffee Consumption in Romania

Romania is the first country in Eastern Europe for coffee consumption. In a panel of 30 nations, 18 Western and 12 Eastern countries (note: we excluded the Russian Region composed by Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc), Romania turns out to be the first county with about 37K tons consumed in 2014. Romania represents 1.83% of total consumption in Europe, but 20% of the