The prize is already being awarded for the sixth time by Koelnmesse and the German Vending Association (BDV) In good 3 weeks’ time, the international vending and coffee world will be meeting up in Cologne at Eu’Vend & coffeena 2017. Of course, in addition to business and networking, the focus will also be on the developments and innovations from and
Author: CoffeeBI Editorial Team
In March 2017, The ICO Composite Indicator Price Fell Slightly
According to ICO , market weakens further due to high exports and increasing inventory levels. In March 2017, the ICO composite indicator price fell slightly. While Robustas remained broadly stable, Arabica prices were under pressure. The monthly average of the composite indicator was down by 2.6% to 134.07 US cents/lb in March from 137.68 US cents/lb recorded in February. The
Eu’Vend & Coffeena: Driving Force for the Industry
Eu’Vend & Coffeena – International Vending and Coffee Fair is already taking place for the eighth time and will once again present a clear profile in 2017. Nearly the entire vending industry is meeting in Cologne to demonstrate both its innovative strength and its extraordinary flexibility in supply needs at work, in everyday life and during leisure time. Once again
The World Map of Coffee
Coffee is such an important part of so many of our lives, and many of us just have to have our morning fix in order to be able to function. Coffee is a global drink: its origins are varied, and the different preparations made with coffee all over the world are incredible. In partnership with Coffee in My Veins.
Mr José Dauster Sette: New ICO Executive Director
The International Coffee Council met in London at the headquarters of the International Coffee Organization from 13 to 17 March 2017 and decided by consensus to appoint Mr José Dauster Sette as Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization for a five-year term.
SCA, The Coffee Community: Working Together
Eu’Vend & Coffeena: Knowing the Protagonists
Interview with Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH, and Dr. Aris Kaschefi, managing director of the German Vending Association (BDV). Are strategic goals being pursued with the date change to Eu’Vend & coffeena from autumn to spring? Hamma: With the new date concept we will further strengthen Eu’Vend & coffeena and its position in the international trade fair
How To Open A Coffee Shop
Every year, all over the world, thousands of coffee shops are opening. Although many of these succeed and become prosperous enterprises, many of them fail. There are many reasons for this – the wrong location, the wrong business plan or even the wrong product. Like in every industry, only the strong succeed. So how can you ensure that your coffee shop will be a success? Espresso Works created the info graphic that features some of the most important steps that will aid your ambition of opening your very own café. [Sign up to continue]
Boosting your Coffee Shop: 2 Stories of Innovation
This is hardly breaking news: Survival in the increasingly crowded and competitive coffee marketplace is hard, very hard. In a world of strong international chains and franchises, the average street corner coffee shop wages a daily battle to nibble at new parts of market. However, opening a new bar is the dream of many, but is there still place left
CoffeeBI becomes an SCAE member
Since September 2016 and less than 1 year from its launch, CoffeeBI has become an SCAE (Speciality Coffee Association) member, a sign of a gradual but fast growth of our project in the coffee industry. This is an important stage that shows our commitment in being closer the players of the coffee industry in order to help them manage every problem