Retro car coffee in Novosibirsk

NOVOSIBIRSK – Launched on April the 16th, a new mobile cafe is serving coffee to the citizens of Novosibirsk. It is a restored Polish Nysa–521 (1970) and it offers unusual coffee (

5098-16-Filonov_Gruzin_val_Cafe_auto_1The coffee shop offers a choice of up to 7 types of coffee, and one of its features is that coffee is made in cezve. The other specific feature is peaberry beans that are used to make this coffee. That is why these vintage trucks are called Peaberry.

Till May the 1st the coffee shop was working in a test mode, but then it will have a constant location. There are two other cities participating in this project: Kurgan and Krasnoyarsk. The project positions itself as vintage coffee bar for coffee aficionados.

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