The Main Countries for Coffee Consumption in Eastern Europe
The most important countries in the Eastern European market, in terms of coffee consumption, are Poland, Romania and Czech Republic which together represent 65% of the total demand for coffee in Eastern Europe.
Additionally, these three countries have the highest growth rates in the region (Poland +11%, Czech Republic +30%).

Coffee consumption in Poland
Poland is the largest out-of-home coffee consumer in Eastern Europe, with 13% of growth in 2018 compared to the previous year, which today represents approximately 40% of the total (€394 million, €184 million of which relate to the HORECA market). The remainder (€210 million euros) concerns coffee consumption in offices and other crowded places. Forecasts for the coffee market in Eastern Europe predict future growth, representing a huge opportunity for coffee companies around Europe looking for new markets.
Coffee consumption in the Czech Republic
After Poland, the Czech Republic is the second largest market in the region for out-of-home coffee consumption with €137.8 million and a volume growth of 30.5%, mainly coming from the HORECA segment.

Coffee consumption in Romania
Romania is the third largest market and in 2018, the consumption of out-of-home coffee there was €130.8 million with an increase in volume of approximately 3.5%. In this case, most of the demand is in offices and crowded places, which represent 60.8% of the total consumption.
Other countries
In 2018, countries that recorded the highest growth rates in consumption were Slovakia (+204%), Cyprus (+41%), Estonia (+18%) and Slovenia (+13%). On the other side, Latvia (-12%) and Croatia (-0.5%) recorded a reduction in out-of-home coffee consumption.
Among the other main Eastern Europe countries, those with the highest volumes of out-of-home coffee consumption were Hungary (€68.8 million), Croatia (€52.1 million), and Bulgaria (€49 million).
Rad also: The Growth of the Coffee Market in Eastern Europe
Per capita coffee consumption
The largest per capita coffee consumer in Eastern Europe is Estonia, with about of 6kg of coffee consumed every year followed by the Czech Republic (5kg per year), Slovakia and Slovenia (4.6kg per year), Hungary (3.5kg per year) and Romania (2.5kg per year).