Tim Hortons chain comes to Great Britain

Interview_TIM HORTONs David Beaton_v2.0.pubFamous Canadian coffee chain is continuing its international expansion and this time it is coming to the United Kingdom. The plan is to launch stores in England, Scotland and Wales under franchise with a UK investor, though it is not clear yet how many places there will be (torontovka).

It is the first deal in Europe for the brand that was acquired by Burger King for $11.4bn in 2014. The first stores are expected to open in 2017 (bighospitality).

In the end of July 2016 there also appeared information that the company is going to open its coffee shops in the Philippines, and that would be the first step on conquering South East Asia.

Tim Horton’s is a coffee chain founded in 1964 by Canadian hockey player Tim Horton. At the moment it owns 4,464 coffee shops in Canada, USA, and the Middle East (bighospitality).


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