Global Coffee Production: The Largest Growth Is In Central America

Total production in the year 2017, according to an Ico report, has an estimated 158.93 million bags, with an increase of 0.8%, compared to last year. In this total, the share of Arabica is at 62.2% compared to 64.8% in 2016, with a drop of 3.3%. Robustas’ share is up from 35.2% in 2016 to 37.8% in 2017, with an increase of 8.2%.

In the year 2017/2018 crop production is estimated to rise in all regions aside from South America. This is due to a decline in Brazilian output to 51.5 million bags compared with 55 million bags in 2016/17.

  • South America: total production is estimated at 71.44 million bags, down 4.9% from crop year 2016
  • Mexico & Central America: global output is estimated at 21.92 million bags (1% higher than in 2016 and representative of the largest growth among the different regions). For the three largest growers the production is estimated to expand: in 2017 Honduras, +7.46 million bags, Mexico + 4 million bags, and Guatemala + 3.8 million bags
  • Asia & Oceania: An increase of9% to 47.64 million bags is expected
  • Africa: production is estimated at 17.93 million bags, 7% higher than the previous crop year. In Ethiopia it is expected to increase by 4.8% to 7.65 million bags and in Uganda 2.8% to 5.1 million bags.

In regards to global coffee consumption, according to the ico estimates, it is at 158.95 million bags, with an increase of 1.0%.

Regional Coffee Production

Regional Coffee Production


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