Author: CoffeeBI Editorial Team

Experience and Passion for Giving Coffee Shop Start-Ups an Easy Way to Open Successfully

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The first Coffee Shop Bootcamp will be held at Union Hand-Roasted Coffee’s brand new Campus in London over three days from 20th September 2017. It will cover everything from developing your niche to location, funding, property, design, suppliers, menu, people, marketing and profit maximisation. John Richardson is a best-selling author and coffee shop consultant. He is regularly featured on TV and in

The World’s First Coffee Shop Bootcamp


Coffee Shop Start-Up Bootcamp is launched by John Richardson and Andrew & Claire Bowen (CoffeeBI’s Opinion Leaders) in association with Union Hand-Roasted Coffee, to give Independent coffee shops the tools to fight the chains. John Richardson is a best-selling author and coffee shop consultant. He is regularly featured on TV and in the press. As well as running his own multimillion-pound business he has

The UK’s Top Coffee Shop Experts Launch the First Coffee Shop Bootcamp


John Richardson and Andrew & Claire Bowen (CoffeeBI’s Opinion Leaders) announced the launch of the world’s first Coffee Shop Bootcamp, in association with Union Hand-Roasted Coffee. The first time that the three best-selling authors have worked together to bring together their knowledge, experience and passion for giving coffee shop start-ups an easy way to open successfully and be profitable. ‘This year alone

The World’s Best Coffee is To Be Found in… Australia!


According to Cosimo Libardo, who is now CEO of Toby’s Estate Coffee, the world’s best coffee is Australian! “It’s a totally unique market that centres around the Specialty segment. It all began when consumers started demanding quality coffee, and even big businesses like McDonalds had to adapt. We have 64,000 establishments serving a population of 22 million. The model that has been developed