Dripkit – Easy, Portable and Environmentally-Friendly Coffee Kit

Dripkit Portable Coffee KitIlana Kruger and Kara Cohen are Co-founders of Dripkit, a way to have the perfect cup of coffee without grinding, nor gadgets.

According to kickstarter, Dripkit is a portable, self-contained and pocket-sized coffee container which can be used wherever you go as long as you have a cup and hot water. Inside of a dripkit, there is a filter, a dripper and fewer than 20 grams of coffee which is the perfect amount. It can be put into your bag or car, since it weighs less than your phone.

When the coffee quality is concerned, Dripkit contains coffee from a small cooperative farms in Guatemala, since their beans are robust and tasty. Once it comes to the USA, it is roasted in Bushwick, Brooklyn. It is then packed in a container that keeps gasses and oxygen out. It has its maximum freshness during the first month, but it can be either used for six months’ time.

How dedicated the founders are proves the fact that they went to Guatemala to see if farmers are working in good conditions and to learn about the growth of the best coffee. They have also made experiments with many different materials trying to make an environmentally friendly product and they have found the perfect one – bioplastics which is the plastic made from plants.

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