Category: Events & Press Release

British Coffee Association Launched First Sustainability Mission

sustainability coffee copertina

Similar to the National Coffee Association of the United States, the British Coffee Association has for the first time established a sustainability committee, whose mission and aim is to provide a platform for a more sustainable coffee industry in the UK. The committee wants to achieve a common consensus of social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges within UK coffee industry. The largest UK

The Winners of The Intergastra Innovation Prize

Intergastra innovation prize 2018

The gastronomy and hotel sector keeps reinventing itself with original ideas and concepts. A top-class, thirteen-person specialist jury has selected the winners of the Intergastra Innovation Prize from all the promising innovations entered in the categories Quality Assurance and Economy, Design and Function, IT Solutions and Kitchen Technology. Evaluation was based on criteria such as degree of innovation, practical significance,

The Value-Added Chain Of Coffee From Bean To Cup And Beyond

The Value-Added Chain Of Coffee From Bean To Cup And Beyond

INTERGASTRA and coffee consulate invite you to the 4th “Stuttgart Coffee Summit” next year. The get-together for the international coffee industry in 2018 also offers small and micro roasters the opportunity to showcase themselves professionally to the HoReCa industry. The focus again is on the entire value-added chain of coffee, from bean to cup and beyond. The roaster and machine

Global Coffee Platform Showcases Farmer Income Potential In 11 Countries

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The Global Coffee Platform has released a new study that shows ways of improving the income of coffee farmers through improvements in yield, quality, training as well as empowerment of women farmers, as reported by Daily Coffee News. The study which was carried out in partnership with Technoserve covered 11 key coffee-growing countries in the world. This included including Brazil, Colombia,

A New Grinder That Aims To Leave No Grind Residue Behind

A New Grinder That Aims To Leave No Grind Residue Behind

Newly made British designed grinder is coming to our markets with the aim to bring professional features to the consumer class. What makes this grinder special are hardened steel conical burrs 63 millimeters in diameter, the adjustment mechanism and the rotation speed of 330 RPM delivering fine grinds with the noise that is much quieter as opposed to all competitive

Coffee Is Still The Second Largest Commodity Market In The World


Coffee is still the second largest commodity market in the world and the interest in coffee is constantly growing. At the 4th “Stuttgart Coffee Summit”, which is considered an indispensable get-together for the international coffee industry, the coinciding INTERGASTRA and coffee consulate therefore want to highlight the entire “from bean to cup” process and the individual steps of the value-added