An accurate analysis about professional coffee market in greatest european countries. Discovering the impressive growth of traditional and automatic coffee machines in Europe.
Professional coffee machines in Europe: Part 2

An accurate analysis about professional coffee market in greatest european countries. Discovering the impressive growth of traditional and automatic coffee machines in Europe.
An accurate analysis about the segment of professional coffee machines and the most interesting markets in Europe for business opportunity
Numbers and trends for coffee market in away from home segment. Discovering the global dimension of the coffee market away from home, trying to reach new trends of this specific market segment.
The tourism and hotel market represent an important development segment for the coffee industry. The consumption of coffee in the hospitality industry hads a sell-in value of €610 million in 2018. In particular, the non-hotel industry represents a partially unexplored area and therefore greatdevelopment opportunities.
Take a look at the main countries for coffee consumption in Eastern Europe: Poland, Romania, etc. Which is the largest per capita coffee consumer country?
Find out data and figures for coffee consumption in the Eastern Europe in 2018. The growth is double the average growth of Western European countries.
Germany has the largest share of the coffee and coffee-machine market in Europe. In terms of coffee consumption, it represents about 22% of the total European coffee market.
China is the current market leader in the purchasing of professional coffee machines in Asia and its coffee houses are expanding rapidly. Read more.
The Spanish economy is the fifth-largest in the European Union, and the fourth-largest in the Eurozone, based on nominal GDP statistics. The hospitality industry is one of the main pillars of the Spanish economy. It is largely responsible for the development of tourism, which makes a significant contribution towards the country’s GDP at slightly above 7%. The sector accounts for
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in Poland. Over 80% of adult Poles claim to drink it regularly. A significant number of them drink coffee at least once a day and as many as 16% have several cups of coffee every day. With 38.4 million inhabitants, Poland is the largest coffee consumer in western Europe and the