The Netherlands and some specialty cafés

AMSTERDAM – The local coffee landscape in Netherlands has some really good cafés and roasteries they can brag about. Two of these fine quality artisan coffee roasters are Bocca and Coffee Xperts.

Founded by Jan Schuitemaker & Tosca Schuitemaker-Kreike in 2002 Coffee Xperts started out as coffee retailers. 2005 was the year they incorporated roasting into their business. In 2010 the retail store was separated from the business and now roasting and training and advisory regarding coffee roasting stays as their main focus .

They actively take part in Cup of Excellence international panel cuppings and have trainers that are certified by SCAE in various categories.

Bocca Coffee got started from the garage of Simon Brothers more than a decade ago. Today they are one of the largest suppliers and specialty coffee roasters in Netherlands with about 300-320 wholesale clients nationwide ( Cafés like The Vinnes, The Coffee Virus, CT Coffee and Coconuts and Hutspot get their coffee supply from Bocca (

While Tewis Simon looks after the everyday affairs of the business, Menno Simon manages organic specialty coffee sourcing company Trabocca founded by him in 2003. This way about 99% of Bocca’s coffee comes from Trabocca that specializes in green coffee import (thecoffeevine).

Recently Bocca has launched its own flagship store in Amsterdam in an attempt to get closer to their customer and their feedback (

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