Month: March 2018

Instant Coffee, A New Channel To Promote Specialty Coffee?

Instant Coffee, A New Channel To Promote Specialty Coffee?

“It’s complicated!” You looked at the menu, feeling confused. The barista asked, “what can I get you?” And you replied, “what’s a yir-ga-cheffe chemex? The barista used the next 5 mins to explain what chemex, filter coffee, yirgacheffe was and blah blah blah… But deep down in your mind, you were thinking: I just wanted a simple coffee. All of you must have experienced this

How The Coffee Industry Has Been Engaging With The Circular Economy

How The Coffee Industry Has Been Engaging With The Circular Economy

Last month, Jennifer Ferreira, a researcher in the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University and Opinion Leader at CoffeeBI, gave a guest lecture at Leiden University in the Netherlands to talk about the coffee shop industry, recycling and the circular economy. The lecture focused on exploring the implications of the rapid growth of the coffee shop industry for

Two Key-Points To Bear In Mind For The Green Coffee Business

Two Key-Points To Bear In Mind For The Green Coffee Business

Coffee is a very productive and important business, however it can cause several problems with the environment: according to The Guardian, they propose a two key-points guide for the green coffee business. The most important thing to do is to choose ethical brands with certification bodies like the Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade Australia New Zealand which make sure that the