How can coffee grounds be used? 5 ways to engage the coffee industry in the circular economy by thinking about what happens to a key waste product.
Future grounds: How coffee grounds can be used in the circular economy

How can coffee grounds be used? 5 ways to engage the coffee industry in the circular economy by thinking about what happens to a key waste product.
Since the invention of single-use coffee pods in 1997, their market share continued to grow and still does today, surpassing even drip coffee in 2011. Is it the new field into invest? Lean more
In the New World Coffee Order, import and export operators become ambassadors of origin, improving the relationship of brands with the communities and the quality of the growing coffee.
It’s important to rethink the way that coffee residue is handled, by looking at both the environmental and economic benefits that can be developed. The first step towards doing so is by tackling the problem at the early stages of coffee production.
In Central America carbon neutral coffee seems to be the new trend; three zero-emission coffee companies have their bases in Costa Rica, and the country has become top of an important change happening to preserve the environment, as reported by Reuters. In 2007, Costa Rica set itself a goal: to become carbon neutral by 2021, and it is working hard
Think about how we order meals, find a hotel, suggest a restaurant to friends, even how we take a coffee in some coffee shops, where we can skip the queue with a smartphone app. Our everyday consumer world has been disrupted beyond recognition. Again, look at consumers’ behaviour over the last few years and how they have embraced immediate communication and
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) reveals that in 10 years we will be facing the worst global workforce crisis, due to the lack of skilled people in developed countries. The BCG is a global management consulting firm with over 80 offices around the world, who, in 2013, undertook a global survey of two hundred thousand job seekers in 189 countries
Change Please, a London-based social enterprise, is making a great impact on environmental and social life. As reported by The Independent, Change Please cups are 100% recyclable and its suppliers support local communities: in Peru, they help victims of domestic abuse and crossing over to Tanzania, their supplier helps people injured by landmines. In the UK, beans are roasted by
Last month, Jennifer Ferreira, a researcher in the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University and Opinion Leader at CoffeeBI, gave a guest lecture at Leiden University in the Netherlands to talk about the coffee shop industry, recycling and the circular economy. The lecture focused on exploring the implications of the rapid growth of the coffee shop industry for
Coffee is a very productive and important business, however it can cause several problems with the environment: according to The Guardian, they propose a two key-points guide for the green coffee business. The most important thing to do is to choose ethical brands with certification bodies like the Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade Australia New Zealand which make sure that the