Category: Baristas & Coffee Shops

Covid-19: Impact of the Pandemic on Coffee Consumption (Part 2)

Covid-19: Impact of the Pandemic on Coffee  Consumption (Part 2)

In an increasing number of countries, the pandemic has led to restrictive containment measures that have involved the closure of industries and commercial activities, restrictions on people’s freedom of movement, rules of social distancing and incentives for remote-working. The main effect in the short-term has been the collapse of away-from-home consumption and an initial increase in purchases through supermarkets and

Asia-Pacific coffee situation amid pandemic (Covid-19): a new contactless experience

asia-pacific coffee consumption pandemic

According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), out-of-home coffee consumption is decreasing significantly as a growing number of countries are adopting a full or partial lockdown to contain the Coronavirus outbreak. While coffee trading and serving remain frozen, in some parts of South East Asia and Pacific the coffee market remains resilient as consumers are finding new and innovative ways

Specialty Coffee: 3 Reasons To Explain To your Customers

Specialty Coffee_ 3 Reasons To Explain To your Customers

Customers often ask “Is it worth to pay extra for just a cup of coffee?”
Many customers ignore the fact that a cup of specialty coffee has much more value than they may see it on the outside. It’s a work of a collective craftsmanship which has a lot of hard work behind the scene. So,  your customers should understand what they are paying for, when they are enjoying a cup of ‘expensive’ coffee.